

北京策马翻译 北京策马翻译 2022-10-02
(新华社记者 金良快 摄)

The Fourth Session of the 13th National People's Congress holds a virtual press conference at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing in line with COVID-19 containment measures. China's State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi answers questions from Chinese and foreign media about the country's foreign policy and external relations. 

(新华社记者 陈晔华 摄)





今年的记者会仍然是一场以视频方式同大家见面的特殊记者会。中国尽管已经有效控制住疫情,但还有不少国家仍在同病毒奋勇抗争。只要还有一个国家存在疫情,国际社会团结抗疫的努力就不应停止;只要还有一个人感染病毒,我们就都有责任向他伸出援手。(The global fight against COVID-19 must not stop until the virus gets eliminated in each and every country. Everyone is obligated to help those in need even when there is only one case of infection left.)团结就是力量,坚持就是胜利,曙光已在前头。中国愿继续与各国团结合作,为人类彻底战胜疫情而作出不懈努力。(Solidarity means strength, and perseverance means victory. There is already light at the end of the tunnel. China will continue to cooperate with other countries in solidarity and work tirelessly for humanity’s final victory against this pandemic.)




2020年,中国与世界各国一道,共同走过了极不平凡的历程。在以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,中国外交为国家担当,为人民负重,对世界尽责,全力应对前所未有的挑战,积极发挥中国应有的作用。(The year 2020 has been a most extraordinary journey for China and the whole world. Under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, China’s diplomatic service readily fulfilled its responsibilities to the country, the people and the world, by rising to the unprecedented challenges and playing a role befitting China’s status.)

一年来,最精彩的是元首外交。(Among China’s diplomatic endeavors over the last year, the most outstanding is head-of-state diplomacy.)习近平主席以“云外交”的创新方式,同各国领导人共商合作大计,展现了大国领袖的世界情怀,也为国际社会团结抗疫指明了方向,注入了动力。

一年来,最坚定的是捍卫国家利益。(The most resolute is our determination to defend national interests.)我们坚决反对世界上的霸权霸道霸凌,坚决顶回对中国内政的无理干涉。中国的主权不容侵犯,中华民族的尊严不容诋毁,中国人民的正当权利必须维护。(We stood firm against hegemony, highhandedness and bullying, and rejected outright interference in China’s domestic affairs. China’s sovereignty is not to be infringed upon, and the dignity of the Chinese nation is not to be trifled with. The legitimate rights and interests of the Chinese people shall be upheld.)

一年来,投入精力最大的是抗疫外交。(The most demanding is the fight against COVID-19 on the diplomatic front.)我们为国内抗疫尽心尽责,同国际社会守望相助,开展了新中国成立以来规模最大的紧急人道主义行动,为全球抗疫作出了中国贡献。

一年来,最牵挂的是海外同胞的安危。(The most concerning is the safety of Chinese nationals abroad.)疫情之下,我们及时向有需要的海外公民伸出援手,全力以赴提供保护救助,把外交为民扛在肩上,落到实处。

一年来,最关注的是把握全球治理的方向。(One biggest priority is advancing global governance in the right direction.)面对单边主义肆虐,中国旗帜鲜明予以抵制,以实际行动践行多边主义,维护国际关系准则。针对保护主义抬头,我们身体力行扩大开放,发挥中国超大型市场优势,为各国提供更多发展机遇。






今年是中国的牛年,牛象征着坚韧,代表着力量。新的一年,元首外交将继续领航定向,中国外交将谱写更精彩篇章。一个重情义、有定力、讲原则、敢担当的中国,必将为世界传递更多温暖与希望,为各国共同发展注入更多信心和力量。(A compassionate, committed and responsible China that stands by principles will bring more warmth and hope to the world and lend more confidence and strength to the pursuit of development for all.)谢谢。



很高兴先回答我们俄罗斯朋友提出的问题。我们看到面对世纪疫情,中俄两国肩并肩站在一起,背靠背紧密合作,我们携手抵御新冠病毒,共同抗击“政治病毒”。“中俄组合”团结如山,始终是世界和平稳定的中流砥柱。(In the face of the once-in-a-century pandemic, China and Russia have stood shoulder to shoulder and worked closely to combat both the coronavirus and the political virus. China and Russia standing together will remain a pillar of world peace and stability.)

世界越是动荡不宁,中俄合作越要坚定前行。两国要互为战略依托,互为发展机遇,互为全球伙伴,这既是历史的经验,也是时代的要求。(The more unstable the world is, the greater the need for carrying forward China-Russia cooperation. China and Russia should be each other’s strategic support, development opportunity, and global partner. This is both an experience gained from history and an imperative under the current circumstances.)

今年是《中俄睦邻友好合作条约》签署20周年。双方已商定将条约延期,并赋予其新的时代内涵。这将是中俄关系的里程碑,更是一个新起点。我们双方将弘扬世代友好、合作共赢的条约精神,继往开来,推陈出新,在更大范围、更宽领域、更深层次上推进新时代中俄全面战略协作伙伴关系。(This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Treaty of Good-neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation between China and Russia. Our two countries have agreed to renew the treaty and make it more relevant in the new era. This is a milestone in China-Russia relations and, more importantly, a new starting point. The two sides will carry forward the spirit of everlasting friendship and win-win cooperation embodied by the Treaty, keep up the momentum, generate new dynamism, and further expand, broaden and deepen the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era. )

我们将打造战略互信的典范(China and Russia will set an example of strategic mutual trust),坚定支持对方维护核心重大利益,联手反对“颜色革命”,打击各种虚假信息,维护各自主权和政权安全。

我们将打造互利合作的典范(an example of mutually beneficial cooperation),深化“一带一路”和欧亚经济联盟对接,推动经贸投资合作提质升级,同时拓展科技创新、数字经济等新兴领域合作。

我们将打造民心相通的典范(an example of people-to-people connectivity),弘扬传统友好,促进人文交流,让中俄友谊薪火相传。

我们还将打造公平正义的典范(and an example of equity and justice),携手维护多边主义,维护联合国权威,维护国际法和国际关系基本准则,维护全球战略稳定。谢谢。




中国外交是党领导下的人民外交事业。中国共产党是中国人民的主心骨,当然也是中国外交的定盘星。(China’s diplomacy is conducted under the CPC leadership for the benefit of our people. The CPC is the backbone for the Chinese people and the anchor of China’s diplomacy.)

为人民谋幸福、为民族谋复兴,党的这一初心使命决定了中国外交要履行的责任与担当。珍视独立自主、弘扬公平正义,党的这些价值追求决定了中国外交要秉持的基本原则。坚持和平发展,谋求合作共赢,推动构建人类命运共同体,既是党章和宪法的规定,也是中国外交要努力的道路和方向。(The pursuit of happiness for the people and of renewal of the nation is the original aspiration of the Party. It determines the responsibilities and duties of China’s diplomacy. Cherishing independence and upholding equity and justice are values that our Party holds dear. They determine the basic principles that China’s diplomacy must uphold. To pursue peaceful development and win-win cooperation and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind is a provision in the Constitution of the CPC and the Constitution of the PRC. It is also the goal of China’s diplomacy.)


千秋伟业,百年只是序章,未来必将可期。实践已经证明,党的领导是中国外交最大的政治优势,是中国外交事业不断走向胜利的根本保障。我们将一如既往坚持党对外交工作的领导,全面贯彻习近平外交思想,用党的光荣传统砥砺外交风骨,用党的历史经验启迪外交智慧,不断开创中国特色大国外交的新局面。(The Party’s leadership is the biggest political advantage of China’s diplomacy and the fundamental safeguard for continued victory in China’s diplomatic endeavors. We will continue to uphold the Party’s leadership of diplomatic work, fully implement Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy, steel the spine of China’s diplomacy with the Party’s fine traditions, seek inspirations from the Party’s history and experience, and keep breaking new ground in China’s distinctive major-country diplomacy.)谢谢。



非常愿意回答非洲兄弟的问题。中非之间的深厚友谊是在追求国家独立、民族解放的艰苦斗争中形成的,双方既是战友,又是兄弟。这份情义坚如磐石,历久弥坚,中非永远是命运与共的好朋友、好伙伴。(China and Africa enjoy a profound friendship forged during the struggle for national independence and liberation. We are comrades-in-arms as well as brothers and sisters. This bond of friendship is growing ever stronger as time goes by. China and Africa are perpetual good friends and good partners with a shared future.)确实像你所说,去年是中非合作论坛成立20周年。20年来,我们双方相继制订实施“十大合作计划”、“八大行动”,双方贸易额增长了20倍,中国对非直接投资增长了100倍,友好城市总数达到150对。中非合作已成为南南合作的样板,也是国际对非合作的表率。(China-Africa cooperation stands as a model of South-South cooperation, and a fine example of international cooperation with Africa.)

当前,帮助非洲各国抗击疫情、复苏经济是中非合作的重中之重。去年,习近平主席倡导主持中非团结抗疫特别峰会,宣布了一系列新的援非举措。迄今为止,我们已向非洲提供近120批紧急抗疫物资,向15个国家分别派出抗疫医疗专家组,已经并将向35个非洲国家及非盟委员会提供疫苗,中方援建的非洲疾控中心总部大楼项目已正式开工,30个中非对口医院合作机制正在抓紧推进。今年,我们将在塞内加尔举行新一届论坛,我们愿以此为契机,支持非洲彻底战胜疫情,强化公共卫生治理体系;支持非洲加快工业化建设,提高自主发展能力;支持非洲加快一体化进程,融入经济全球化时代潮流;支持非洲政治解决热点问题,维护非洲大陆的和平稳定。中非双方高质量共建“一带一路”,携手构建更紧密命运共同体,必将为非洲发展振兴提供源源不断的动力。(China will work with Africa to pursue high-quality Belt and Road cooperation and build an even stronger community with a shared future to drive Africa’s development and revitalization.)



首先我想强调的是,完善香港特区选举制度,落实“爱国者治港”,既是推进“一国两制”事业、保持香港长治久安的实际需要,也是宪法赋予全国人大的权力和责任,完全合宪合法,正当合理。(The move to improve Hong Kong’s electoral system and ensure “patriots administering Hong Kong” is necessitated by the need to advance the One Country, Two Systems cause and maintain long-term stability in Hong Kong. It is a constitutional power and responsibility of the NPC, and is totally constitutional, lawful and justified.)

放眼世界,无论在哪个国家,效忠自己的祖国都是公职人员以及竞选公职的人必须遵守的基本政治伦理。在香港也一样。(Loyalty to the motherland is a basic political ethic of all public office holders and aspirants anywhere in the world. Hong Kong is no exception.)香港是中国的特别行政区,是中华人民共和国的一部分。如果不爱国,谈何爱港。爱港和爱国是完全一致的。(How can we expect someone who does not love his motherland to truly love Hong Kong? Loving Hong Kong and loving the motherland are consistent requirements.)

香港在殖民统治时期,没有任何民主可言。回归24年来,没有谁比中央政府更关心香港民主的发展,更希望香港保持繁荣稳定。香港由乱变治,完全符合各方利益,也将为维护香港居民的各项权利和外国投资者的合法利益提供更坚实的保障。我们有决心继续坚持“一国两制”、“港人治港”、高度自治,也有信心让香港的明天越来越好。(No one cares more about Hong Kong’s democracy and continued prosperity and stability than the Central Government of China. Hong Kong’s shift from chaos to stability fully serves the interests of all parties. It will provide stronger safeguards for protecting the rights and interests of Hong Kong residents and the lawful interests of foreign investors. We have the resolve to continue to implement the policy of One Country, Two Systems under which the people of Hong Kong administer Hong Kong with a high degree of autonomy. We also have the confidence to usher in a brighter future for Hong Kong.)



谈到中美关系,首先还是要恪守不干涉别国内政这个原则,这是《联合国宪章》的明确规定,也是国际关系的基本准则,包括中美在内,各国都应切实遵守。你刚才提到的很多问题,都是中国的内部事务。中国做得好不好,中国人民最有发言权;中国应该怎么做,中国人民才是主人翁。(The Chinese people are in the best position to tell whether China is doing a good job. The Chinese people can best decide what is the right thing for China to do.)同时,我们愿在尊重国家主权前提下,与各方增信释疑,讲明事实真相。但我们绝不接受毫无根据的指责抹黑,绝不允许核心利益受到侵犯。长期以来,美国动辄打着所谓民主、人权旗号肆意干涉别国内政,在世界上制造了诸多麻烦,甚至成为动荡战乱的根源。美方应早日意识到这一点,否则这个世界仍将不得安宁。(For quite some time, the United States has been willfully interfering in other countries’ internal affairs in the name of democracy and human rights. This has created lots of trouble in the world and, in some cases, turbulence and conflict. It is important that the United States recognize this as soon as possible. Otherwise, the world will remain far from being a tranquil place.)

作为两个社会制度不同的国家,中美之间有分歧有矛盾在所难免,关键是要通过坦诚沟通加以有效管控,防止战略误判,避免冲突对抗。(As two countries with different social systems, China and the United States naturally have differences and disagreements. What matters most is to manage them effectively through candid communication to prevent strategic miscalculation and avoid conflict and confrontation.)作为世界前两大经济体,中美之间在利益交融中出现竞争并不奇怪,关键是要在公平公正基础上良性竞争,既提升自我,又照亮对方,而不是相互攻击、零和博弈。更重要的是,无论从两国还是世界人民的共同利益出发,合作,都应当成为中美双方追求的主要目标。(In the interest of the two countries and the whole world, cooperation should be the main goal for both China and the United States.)中美可以合作、需要合作的清单就放在我们面前,包括抗击疫情、经济复苏、气候变化等等,我们愿本着开放态度与美方探讨和深化合作。希望美方与中方相向而行,尽快解除迄今对中美合作设置的各种不合理限制,更不要再人为制造出新的障碍。(We hope that the United States will move in the same direction and remove all its unreasonable restrictions on bilateral cooperation as early as possible, not create new obstacles.)

上个月中国农历除夕当天,习近平主席应约同拜登总统通了电话。两国元首就中美关系深入交换意见,为两国关系重回正轨明确了努力方向。我们愿与美方一道,全面落实这次重要通话的成果,共同推动中美关系“辞旧迎新”,实现健康稳定发展。(On the Chinese New Year’s eve last month, President Xi Jinping had a phone call with President Joe Biden. The two heads of state had an in-depth exchange of views on China-US relations and pointed the way forward for bringing the relationship back on track. We are ready to work with the United States to follow through on the outcomes of this important phone call, and set China-US relations on a new path of healthy and steady growth.)谢谢。




50年前,第26届联合国大会通过决议,恢复了中华人民共和国的合法席位。当时会议大厅爆发经久不息的掌声,很多亚非拉兄弟为此欢呼拥抱,57个国家的代表轮番登台向中国表示祝贺。从那个历史性时刻起,世界近四分之一人口的大国重返联合国大家庭,联合国才真正具备了普遍性。世界和平与发展事业增加了一支值得信赖和依靠的中坚力量,那就是中华人民共和国。(Fifty years ago, the 26th session of the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution to restore the lawful seat of the People’s Republic of China in the United Nations. With a major country of one-fourth of the world’s population rejoining the family of nations, the United Nations finally achieved universality in a real sense. From that day on, the People’s Republic of China has contributed its share to world peace and development as a trustworthy and reliable participant in this noble cause.)

半个世纪以来,中国坚定维护以联合国为核心的国际体系,坚定维护以国际法为基础的国际秩序。中国加入了几乎所有政府间国际组织和500多项国际公约,成为联合国维和行动第二大出资国和常任理事国派出维和人员最多的国家。中国始终主持公道正义,坚持大小国家一律平等,我们这一票永远属于发展中国家。(China champions equity and justice, and stands for equality among all countries regardless of their size. China’s vote in the United Nations always belongs to the developing world.)

随着国际形势不断深刻演变,国际社会希望联合国与时俱进,不断改革完善。中方认为,不管形势怎么变,改革怎么改,有几点必须坚持:(Given the profound evolution of the international situation, the international community is expecting the United Nations to keep pace with the times and improve itself through reform. In our view, no matter how the situation may evolve and how the reform may proceed, the following principles must be preserved:)

首先,坚持《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则(upholding the purposes and principles of the UN Charter)。《宪章》为各国交往和解决冲突制定了基本准则。任何违反《宪章》的行为都是对世界和平稳定的破坏。

第二,坚持联合国在国际体系中的核心地位(preserving the central role of the United Nations in the international system)。作为当今世界最具普遍性、代表性、权威性的国际组织,联合国的作用只能加强、不能削弱,各国都应自觉维护联合国的权威。

第三,坚持联合国平等协商的基本规则(and keeping to the basic rule of equal-footed consultations at the United Nations)。联合国不是大国俱乐部,更不是富人俱乐部。各国主权平等,任何国家都没有包揽国际事务的权力。(The United Nations is not a club for big or rich countries. All countries enjoy sovereign equality, and no country is in a position to dictate international affairs.)应当提高发展中国家在联合国的代表性和发言权,更多体现大多数国家的共同意愿。




过去一年,习近平主席同欧方领导人成功举行三次视频会晤,保持密集高层沟通。双方在携手抗疫中增进互信,在共庆建交45周年中提升合作,不仅签署而且生效了中欧地理标志协定,如期完成中欧投资协定谈判。我要强调的是,不管是地理标志协定还是中欧投资协定,这都符合双方的共同需要,不是单方面受益。它之所以能够谈成,也是因为双方达成了共识。去年中国首次成为欧盟最大贸易伙伴。可以说中欧关系在危机和挑战当中展现了韧性和活力,也向世界释放了积极和正面的信号。(In the face of crises and challenges, China-Europe relations have demonstrated resilience and vitality, sending out a positive message to the world.)

中欧关系的历程充分证明,中欧之间有着广泛共同利益,合作共赢是双方关系的主基调;中欧两大文明可以对话交流,我们不是制度性对手;中欧独立自主开展合作,就能办成很多大事。(China and Europe share extensive common interests, and win-win cooperation is the main thrust of their relationship; China and Europe are two great civilizations capable of dialogue and exchanges, and they are not systemic rivals; and when embracing cooperation with an independent spirit, China and Europe can accomplish great things.)我愿重申,中方将会继续支持欧洲一体化进程,支持欧盟的团结自强,支持欧盟在国际事务中发挥更大作用。

中方认为,中欧代表着多极世界两支重要力量,双方关系是平等、开放的,不针对第三方,也不受制于第三方(China and Europe are two important players in this multi-polar world. Their relationship is equal and open, not targeting any third party or controlled by anyone else.),所以不存在中方希望分化美国同欧洲关系的问题。同时中方乐见欧盟不断增强战略自主,秉持多边主义理念,致力于大国协调合作。至于你提到的中欧投资协定谈判双方履行承诺的问题,我可以明确地告诉你,中方会履行在这个协定当中所作出的各项承诺,包括推进签署国际劳工公约的有关条款的努力,我们也相信欧洲方面会履行好欧盟在这个协定当中所作出的各项承诺。总之,我们愿意同欧盟携起手来共同应对全球性挑战,为国际社会抗击疫情、恢复经济、应对气候变化注入更多的正能量,为国际关系提供更多的稳定性。谢谢。



疫苗是抗击病毒的利器,是拯救生命的希望,应当服务全世界、造福全人类。(Vaccines are a powerful weapon against the virus and bring hope for saving lives. They should serve the entire world and benefit all humanity.)

中国坚定秉持疫苗公共产品的“第一属性”(China is a firm believer in making COVID vaccines a public good)。我们率先承诺疫苗研发后作为全球公共产品,特别是努力提高疫苗在发展中国家的可及性和可负担性。

中国坚定站在疫苗国际合作的“第一方阵”(a committed frontrunner in promoting international vaccine cooperation)。我们已同10多个国家开展疫苗研发和生产合作,100多个国籍的10多万志愿者参与其中。17个中国疫苗已进入临床试验阶段,60多个国家授权使用中国疫苗。中国疫苗的安全性、有效性正在得到各国广泛认可。我们也愿意同各国探讨疫苗接种互认的可行性和操作方案。

中国坚定担当疫苗公平分配的“第一梯队”(and a steadfast advocate for equitable vaccine distribution)。中国加入了世卫组织“新冠疫苗实施计划”,承诺首批提供1000万剂疫苗,明确用于发展中国家急需。中国已经并正在无偿向69个有急需的发展中国家提供疫苗援助,同时向43个国家出口疫苗。我们还响应联合国号召,向各国维和人员捐赠疫苗。我们也愿意与国际奥委会合作,向准备参加奥运会的运动员们提供疫苗。希望中国疫苗能为全球抗疫带来更多信心和希望。

目前,全球已有多款疫苗上市,选择哪种疫苗由各国自主决定。无论是中国疫苗,还是外国疫苗,只要安全可靠,就是好疫苗。(Whether it is a Chinese vaccine or not, it is a good vaccine so long as it is safe and effective.)我们反对搞“疫苗民族主义”,不接受制造“免疫鸿沟”,更抵制任何把疫苗合作政治化的企图。(China opposes “vaccine nationalism”. We reject any “vaccine divide” or any attempt to politicize vaccine cooperation.)我们期望所有具备能力的国家都能尽力向有需要的国家特别是发展中国家提供疫苗,让各国人民用得起、用得上,真正成为“人民的疫苗”。(We hope that all capable countries will do what they can to provide vaccines to countries in need, especially developing countries, so that people all over the world will have access to affordable vaccines, vaccines that truly benefit the people.)






阿拉伯谚语说,友谊是树,忠实为根,亲善为枝。中国愿同阿方一道努力,精诚团结,携手共进,共同筹备好中阿峰会,为中阿战略伙伴关系注入更多新内涵,推动中阿命运共同体建设取得更多新成果。(As an Arab saying goes, friendship is a tree with good faith as roots and goodwill as branches. China will work with Arab states in solidarity, pursue common progress, make good preparations for a China-Arab states summit, add new dimensions to the China-Arab states strategic partnership, and strive for more achievements in building a Sino-Arab community with a shared future.)




4年前,面对全球化的“存废之争”,习近平主席站立潮头,发出了支持经济全球化的时代强音;4年后,面对多边主义的“何去何从”,习近平主席拨开迷雾,提出了践行多边主义、构建人类命运共同体的中国方案。这两次重要讲话为时代把舵定向,为世界解疑释惑,得到了国际社会的普遍赞誉。(Four years ago, in response to the debate over whether to continue globalization, President Xi stepped forward to send a strong message in support of economic globalization. Four years later, in response to the uncertainties of the future of multilateralism, President Xi shed light on the issue by putting forward China’s proposal for upholding multilateralism and building a community with a shared future for mankind. The two important speeches have pointed the way forward for our times and cleared doubts for many in the world. Both are widely commended by the international community.)

多边主义始终是中国的坚定选择,从未因时因事而改变。(Multilateralism has remained a firm commitment of China, a commitment that has never wavered despite changing times or circumstances.)面对世界上层出不穷的难题挑战,解决之道在于各国都坚持真正的多边主义。(The way to address the various challenges in our world is for countries to uphold true multilateralism.)中方认为,真正的多边主义应当恪守《联合国宪章》的宗旨原则,维护以联合国为核心的国际体系,推进国际关系的民主化。要坚持开放包容、不搞封闭排他;坚持平等协商、不搞唯我独尊。(True multilateralism means observing the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, upholding the UN-centered international system, and making international relations more democratic. It means openness and inclusiveness instead of closeness and exclusion; and equal-footed consultation instead of supremacy over others.)我们认为,多边主义是旗帜,而不是幌子;是信念,而不是说辞。“小圈子的多边主义”仍是集团政治,“本国优先的多边主义”还是单边思维,“有选择的多边主义”不是正确的选择。(Multilateralism is a banner, not a pretext; a conviction, not a rhetoric. Building small circles in the name of multilateralism is in fact “group politics”. Multilateralism with one’s own interests taking precedence is still unilateral thinking. “Selective multilateralism” is not the right choice.)中国希望国际社会所有成员共同努力,让多边主义的火炬照亮人类未来的道路。(China hopes that all members of the international community will work together to light up humanity’s way forward with the torch of multilateralism.)谢谢。



世界本来就是丰富多彩的。人类文明发展进步,不可能只有一条路径,也不应该只有一种模式。制度的选择需要量体裁衣,不能削足适履。(Progress of human civilization cannot be achieved with only one pathway, nor should there be only one model. Choice of system should be made in a tailor-made way, rather than through trimming the feet to fit in the shoes.)一个国家的路走得对不对,关键在于是否符合本国国情。(Whether a path works for a country depends on how it fits the country’s conditions.)抹黑、打压与己不同的制度,甚至鼓吹唯我独尊,本质上是一种“制度霸权”。(To smear or attack others for their different system or even claim superiority is in essence “hegemony of system”.)

过去一年来,肆虐全球的新冠肺炎疫情再次告诫世人,人类是命运相连、休戚与共的共同体。当今世界已无法承担分裂的后果,更不能重蹈冲突的覆辙。(Our world cannot afford to fall apart, still less return to conflicts.)中方坚定地认为,多样性是人类文明发展的特征,制度差异不应成为对立对抗的理由,交流互鉴可以增进相互了解,激励共同进步。(Diversity is the integral feature of human civilization, and difference in system should not be the ground for antagonism or confrontation. Exchanges and mutual learning can enhance mutual understanding and drive common progress.)中国文化中,和而不同是君子之德。西方文化里,尊重别人是绅士风度。(In Chinese culture, seeking harmony without uniformity is a philosophy of the virtuous. Western culture values respect as a quality of a gentleman.)我们都记得这样一句话,“万物并育而不相害,道并行而不相悖”,这句2000多年前的中国名言就包含了丰富的具有包容性的哲学。我们希望今天的西方国家也能培养这样的气度和修养。各国应当相互尊重、彼此包容,在这个星球上各美其美、美美与共。(Countries should treat each other with mutual respect and inclusiveness so as to prosper respectively and together.)



中国加入世界贸易组织是中国对外开放和世界经济全球化进程中具有里程碑意义的大事。(Accession to the WTO was a milestone in China’s opening-up as well as in the process of economic globalization.)20年过去了,我们确实需要认真总结,我认为起码有四个重要启示:(The past two decades have taught us four important things:)

第一,必须坚持对外开放的基本国策(we must stay committed to the fundamental policy of opening-up)。入世20年,中国发展成为全球第二大经济体、第一大货物贸易国、第一大外资吸收国。迄今的发展成就,是在开放条件下取得的,今后的高质量发展,也应当在更加开放的条件下进行。

第二,必须坚持互利共赢的合作理念(we must stay committed to the principle of win-win cooperation)。20年来,中国对全球经济增长的年均贡献率接近30%。关税总水平由15.3%大幅降至7.5%以下,远低于入世承诺的10%,更低于其它主要新兴经济体。货物进口额年均增长率超过两位数,在华设立的外资企业超过100万家。这些数字说明,中国入世,实现了与世界的共赢。

第三,必须坚持经济全球化的正确方向(we must stay committed to the right direction of economic globalization)。中国入世为经济全球化注入了强劲动力,促进了全球产业链优化和资源最佳配置。面对全球化带来的新问题新挑战,我们不应退回到保护主义和孤立脱钩,而应携手推动这一进程朝着更加开放、包容、普惠、平衡、共赢的方向发展。(Facing the new problems and challenges in globalization, the answer is not to retreat into protectionism, isolation or decoupling, but to work together to make globalization more open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial for all.)

第四,必须坚持世贸组织的核心作用(and we must stay committed to the central role of the WTO)。世贸组织是国际贸易的基石,是全球增长的支柱。中方坚定遵守多边贸易规则,支持世贸组织发挥应有作用,愿与各方共同努力,不断完善多边贸易体系,不断增强世贸组织的有效性和权威性。谢谢。




中日关系要走向成熟稳定,需要保持定力,不受一时一事的影响。(For the China-Japan relationship to be more mature and stable, the two countries need to stay focused without being distracted by any single event.)比如你刚才提到的中国颁布实施的《海警法》,这只是一项例行的国内立法,不针对特定国家,完全符合国际法和国际实践。实际上,包括日本在内很多国家早就制定和实施了类似法规。通过友好协商处理海上争议,不使用武力或以武力相威胁,这是中国政府的一贯立场,也是中方同周边邻国之间的长期共识。

对于中日交往中出现的任何问题,双方都可以通过对话沟通增进了解,建立互信。希望日本社会能真正树立起客观理性的对华认知,真正打牢有利于中日关系行稳致远的民意基础。(I hope that Japanese society will embrace a more objective and rational perception of China so as to solidify public support for long-term steady progress in China-Japan relations.)

正像你所说,中日两国将先后举办奥运会。双方完全可以也应该相互支持,共襄盛举,使这两场盛会成为加深两国人民友好感情的平台,促进中日关系发展的机遇。让我们今夏聚焦东京,明年相约北京!(As the two countries will host the Olympic Games this year and the next, the two sides have every reason to support each other in hosting the two grand events, and make the Olympics a platform for deepening friendship between the two peoples and an opportunity for furthering the relationship between the two countries. Let’s focus our eyes on Tokyo this summer and meet in Beijing next year.)谢谢。



说到“种族灭绝”,大多数人想到的是16世纪的北美印第安人,19世纪的非洲黑奴,20世纪的犹太人,以及至今仍在坚持抗争的澳洲原住民。(Speaking of genocide, many people would have in their minds the native Americans of the 16th century, African slaves of the 19th century, the Jewish people of the 20th century, and the aboriginal Australians who are still struggling even today.)

所谓新疆地区存在“种族灭绝”的说法荒谬绝伦,完全是别有用心的造谣,彻头彻尾的谎言。(The claim that there is genocide in Xinjiang couldn’t be more preposterous. It is just a rumor fabricated with ulterior motives, and a lie through and through.)过去40多年来,新疆维吾尔族人口从555万增长到1200多万,翻了一番。过去60多年来,新疆经济总量增长了200多倍,人均预期寿命从30岁提高到72岁。很多去过新疆的外国朋友都表示,他们见到的新疆同个别西方媒体的报道完全不同。法国作家维瓦斯写了一本书,名为《维吾尔假新闻的终结》。他用自己两次亲赴新疆的经历讲述了繁荣稳定的真实新疆。他在书中明确表示,正是那些从未去过新疆的人在制造假新闻,在杜撰抄袭中以讹传讹。

一些西方政客宁愿相信几个人编造的谎言,却不愿听取2500多万新疆各族人民的共同心声;宁愿配合少数反华势力的拙劣表演,却不愿正视新疆地区发展进步的基本事实。这只能证明,他们并不在乎什么是真相,而是热衷于政治操弄,企图人为制造出所谓涉疆问题,破坏新疆地区安全稳定,阻碍中国发展壮大。(Some western politicians chose to believe in the lies made up by a few, instead of listening to the voice of 25 million Xinjiang residents of various ethnic groups. They chose to dance with the few anti-China elements in their clumsy dramas, instead of acknowledging the progress in Xinjiang. This only shows that they do not care about the truth. They are only interested in political maneuvering, and creating the so-called Xinjiang issue to undermine security and stability in Xinjiang and hold back China’s development.)




30年前,中国和东盟建立对话关系,从此走在了地区合作的前列。孔子说,“三十而立”。经过30年风雨同行,中国与东盟立起了团结互助、平等相待的共同理念,立起了休戚与共、同甘共苦的共同命运,立起了振兴亚洲、开创未来的共同愿景。(Confucius once observed, “One should be able to establish himself at the age of thirty.” After 30 years of cooperation through rain or shine, China and ASEAN have established a shared belief in solidarity, equality and mutual assistance. We have developed a sense of a shared future and a partnership through thick and thin. And we have embraced a shared vision to revitalize Asia and usher in a brighter future for our region.)

去年,习近平主席首次出席中国-东盟博览会,李克强总理出席中国-东盟领导人会议。这充分表明中方对中国东盟合作的重视,对东盟中心地位的支持。站在新的起点上,我们愿同东盟打造更为紧密的命运共同体,开创更加精彩的下一个30年。(The 30th anniversary provides a new starting point, from which China is ready to work with ASEAN to build an even closer community with a shared future, and open up another 30 years of even greater cooperation.)








第二,海峡两岸必须统一,也必然统一,这是大势所趋,是中华民族的集体意志,不会改变,也不可能改变。(The two sides of the Taiwan Strait must be and will surely be reunified. This is the trend of history and the collective will of the entire Chinese nation. It will not and cannot be changed.)中国政府维护国家主权和领土完整的决心坚定不移,我们有能力挫败任何形式的“台独”分裂行径。

第三,一个中国原则是中美关系的政治基础,是不可逾越的红线。中国政府在台湾问题上没有妥协余地,没有退让空间。(The one-China principle is the political foundation of the China-US relationship, a red line that should not be crossed. On the Taiwan question, there is no room for compromise or concession from the Chinese governmen.)我们敦促美国新一届政府充分认识台湾问题的高度敏感性,切实恪守一个中国原则和中美三个联合公报,彻底改变上届政府“越线”、“玩火”的危险做法,慎重和妥善处理涉台问题。(We hope the new US administration will appreciate the great sensitivity of the Taiwan question, and will abide by the one-China principle and the three Sino-US communiqués. We would hope to see a clear departure from the previous administration’s dangerous practice of “crossing the line” and “playing with fire”, and we hope that the Taiwan question will be handled prudently and properly)谢谢。



去年以来,疫情给世界造成全方位冲击。“一带一路”合作没有按下“暂停键”,反而逆风前行,取得新的成果,展现出强大韧性和旺盛活力。(Since last year, the pandemic has affected the world in many respects. Yet despite the headwinds, Belt and Road cooperation has not paused, but forged ahead with new outcomes, strong resilience and great vitality.)

我们以“共商”为引领(We have honored the principle of joint discussion),成功召开“一带一路”国际合作高级别视频会及30多场专业会议,高质量共建“一带一路”的理念更加深入人心。

我们以“共建”为方向(acted on the principle of joint construction),统筹做好疫情防控和复工复产,重点项目没有一例因疫情而停工,中巴经济走廊、雅万高铁、中老铁路、匈塞铁路等项目进展良好,为当地稳经济、惠民生作出重要贡献。

我们以“共享”为重点(and prioritized the principle of joint benefit-sharing),2020年中欧班列开行数量和货物运量均创历史新高,“陆海新通道”沿线运量同比倍增,有力保障了国际产业链、供应链稳定畅通。

疫情阻碍了人员往来,但阻隔不了伙伴国家对共建“一带一路”的投入和支持。在各方共同努力下,我们努力打造“健康丝绸之路”,通过抗疫国际合作,使“一带一路”成为名副其实的“生命通道”。我们搭建“数字丝绸之路”,积极建设“信息走廊”,使“一带一路”永远在线。我们深耕“绿色丝绸之路”,加强绿色能源、绿色基建、绿色金融合作,使“一带一路”成为全球低碳转型和疫后绿色复苏的重要引擎。(Together, we are building a Health Silk Road. Our cooperation on pandemic response has turned the Belt and Road into a corridor for life-saving supplies. We are building a digital Silk Road, a corridor of smooth information flow that will keep BRI partners digitally connected. We are also building a green Silk Road, under which we have intensified cooperation on green energy, green infrastructure and green finance. Our goal is to make the BRI a robust engine for low-carbon transformation and green recovery in the post-COVID world. )

疫情深刻改变了世界,但各方对“一带一路”的需求没有改变,中方推进“一带一路”国际合作的决心更没有改变。中国将通过构建新发展格局,为共建“一带一路”提供更优路径,为“一带一路”合作伙伴带来更多机遇。我们愿同各方一道,确保高质量共建“一带一路”动能不减、韧性更强,把“一带一路”建设成各方共同发展、共同繁荣的康庄大道。(COVID-19 has changed the world in profound ways, but the need for Belt and Road cooperation has not subsided, and China’s commitment to cooperation has not changed. As we pursue a new development paradigm, we will explore better pathways for Belt and Road cooperation and offer greater opportunities to BRI partners. We are ready to work with all stakeholders to advance high-quality Belt and Road cooperation with renewed commitment and greater resilience. Together, we can turn Belt and Road cooperation into a journey toward common development and prosperity for all.)谢谢。



中国构建新发展格局是为了适应进入新发展阶段的需要,致力于提高自主发展能力,实现高质量发展,同时进一步扩大对外开放,更好贯通国内外两大市场、连接进出口两大通道。这将为世界各国提供更多发展机遇,开拓更大市场空间,迎来更广阔合作前景。中国将以更好的营商环境、更高水平的开放,与各国一道,加快推动建设开放型世界经济。(China will create a more pro-business environment, pursue opening-up at a higher level, and work with all countries to accelerate the building of an open world economy.)形象点说,进入新发展阶段的中国,好比是一列动能更强、载重力更大的“中国快车”,正在加快驶向新的目标,我们欢迎各国一路同行,共创繁荣。(To use a train analogy, China in the new development stage is like an express train with greater driving force and load capacity accelerating toward a new goal. We welcome all countries to get on board and move toward a future of shared prosperity.)谢谢。



中印关系的实质是世界上两个最大的发展中国家如何和睦相处、共同发展振兴的问题。(The China-India relationship is essentially about how the world’s two largest developing countries get along and pursue development and rejuvenation together. )

作为毗邻而居的两大文明古国,作为当今世界10亿人口级别的两大新兴经济体,中印有着广泛共同利益和巨大合作潜力。双方在国内都肩负着改善民生、加速发展的历史使命,在国际上承载着维护发展中国家共同利益、推进世界多极化进程的共同期待。两国国情相近也决定了双方在许多重大问题上有着相同或类似的立场。因此,中印是朋友和伙伴,而不是威胁和对手。双方应相互成就而不是相互消耗,加强合作而不是彼此防范。(China and India are each other’s friends and partners, not threats or rivals. The two sides need to help each other succeed instead of undercutting each other; we should intensify cooperation instead of harboring suspicion at each other. )


去年边境地区发生的冲突是非曲直十分清楚,利害得失一目了然。事实再次证明,单方面制造对抗解决不了问题,重回和平谈判才是正道。(What happened again proves that initiating confrontation will not solve the problem, and that returning to peaceful negotiation is the right way forward.)中方坚持通过对话协商解决边界争议的立场是明确的,维护自身主权权益的意志也是坚定的。双方应巩固已有共识,加强对话沟通,完善管控机制,共同维护好边境地区的和平安宁。




去年一年,身在海外的同胞们确实很不容易。突如其来的疫情,阻断了游子的回家之路,威胁着同胞的生命和健康。首先,我要向全体海外同胞致以真诚的慰问。(The unexpected pandemic stopped our compatriots overseas from returning home and put their life and health in jeopardy. Here I wish to extend my heartfelt sympathies to all of them.)同时,大灾面前必有大爱。党和政府始终牵挂每一位海外同胞的生命安全和身体健康。外交部和驻外使领馆紧急动员,全体外交人员尽锐出动,日夜奋战在抗疫一线,在全球范围开展了领保专项行动。(The worst situation often brings out the best of love and compassion. The Party and the government care deeply about the life and health of each and every Chinese national abroad. The Foreign Ministry and our missions all over the world rose to the occasion and swung into action. All of us in the diplomatic service worked around the clock, with many on the front line, to launch a special campaign of consular protection for Chinese nationals in every corner of the globe.)

我们深入疫区慰问,向100多个国家的500多万侨胞发放了“健康包”、“春节包”,为所有不幸染疫的同胞及时组织了当地救治。12308热线24小时值守,日均处理同胞求助约3000起,比往年增加了近3倍。我们紧急处理多起重大领保案件,包括撤离深陷埃塞战区的中国公民,营救被海盗劫持的同胞等等。我们用行动告诉海外同胞:外交为民,一个也不能少;疫情不退,外交官也不会退。(With concrete actions, we have reassured our compatriots overseas: Our mission is to serve the people and we will leave no one behind; our diplomats will not stand back until the pandemic is completely defeated.)


一是我们将推出“春苗行动”,积极协助和争取为海外同胞接种国产或外国疫苗。(We will launch a “spring sprout” program to assist and secure vaccination for our citizens with Chinese or foreign vaccines.)50多个国家正陆续将中国公民纳入本国接种计划,还有不少中国公民正在当地依法接种中国疫苗。下一步我们还准备在具备条件的国家设立国产疫苗地区接种点,为周边国家有需要的同胞提供服务。

二是我们将推出国际旅行健康证明(We will roll out health certificates for international travelers)。落实习近平主席提出的健康码国际互认倡议,推出中国版的国际旅行健康证明电子文件,在充分保护个人隐私前提下,实现核酸检测和疫苗接种等信息的相互验证,助力安全有序的人员交往(to facilitate safe and orderly flow of personnel)。

三是我们将全面实现海外领事“云服务”。(We will realize full digitalization of our overseas consular services. )将于5月推出“中国领事APP”,让海外同胞一键直达驻外使领馆,实现“掌上办”、“零跑腿”,“全天候”在线办理海外中国公民的旅行证件和领保服务(With a click on the digital devices at home, overseas Chinese can access 24/7 online services for travel documents application and consular assistance and protection.)谢谢。



人类只有一个地球。共建绿色宜居的地球家园,开辟可持续发展之路,是国际社会的共同责任。面对时代之问,保护环境不是可有可无的选答题,而是应全力以赴的必答题。(Building a green and livable planet and pursuing sustainable development is a responsibility for all members of the international community. Facing the challenges of our times, protecting the environment is not a choice to make, but a call that we must answer.)

中国一直是生态文明的践行者,全球气候治理的行动派。(China has all along made efforts to promote ecological progress and taken concrete actions on global climate governance.)习近平主席提出的“绿水青山就是金山银山”理念已经成为全体中国人民的共同愿景。(The philosophy proposed by President Xi Jinping that “blue waters and green mountains are indeed gold and silver mountains” is now a vision shared by all Chinese people.)中国为达成《巴黎协定》做出了重要贡献,去年又宣布了碳达峰、碳中和等国家自主贡献新目标,展现了贯彻新发展理念、建设清洁美丽世界的坚定决心。今后,中方将继续秉持共同但有区别的责任原则,为应对气候变化作出不懈努力。

今年,中国将在云南昆明举办《生物多样性公约》第十五次缔约方大会。作为东道国,中方愿同各方一道确保大会取得积极成果,为未来10年全球生物多样性保护绘制新的蓝图,为共建地球生命共同体采取新的行动。(This year, China will host the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) in Kunming, Yunnan Province. As the host country, China is ready to work with all parties to ensure positive outcomes of the Conference. Together, we will draw a new blueprint for global biodiversity conservation in the next decade and pledge new actions for building a shared future for all life on Earth.)

中国同美欧发展阶段不同,面临的挑战各异,但在应对气候变化上肩负共同使命,理应进一步加强沟通协作,在国际上发挥表率作用。中方欢迎美方重返《巴黎协定》,期待美方承担起应尽责任,做出应有贡献。希望中美重启气变合作也能给中美关系带来积极的“气候变化”。(China welcomes US return to the Paris Agreement and expects that the US will shoulder its responsibility and make its due contribution. We hope that renewed China-US cooperation on climate change will bring positive “climate change” to the relations between China and the United States.)



伊朗核问题是牵动中东海湾局势的敏感神经。(The Iranian nuclear issue is a sensitive issue that affects the whole situation in the Middle East and the Gulf region.)过去四年,由于美方公然违背承诺,单方面退出伊核全面协议,并对伊朗极限施压,导致地区局势再度紧张升级。美国新一届政府已表示愿意重返全面协议,希望美方切实拿出诚意,尽快采取行动,包括解除不合法的单边制裁,解除对第三方实体和个人的长臂管辖。(We hope the US side will demonstrate sincerity by taking actions as quickly as possible, including removing the unjustified unilateral sanctions and the “long-arm jurisdiction” on third-party entities and individuals.)与此同时,伊朗也应全面恢复履约,承担核不扩散责任。我们认为,美伊双方的行动可以通过分步对等的方式向前推进。(The US and Iran can move forward in a step-by-step and reciprocal manner.)




我认为你提问的重点是南海问题。近年来,地区国家和国际社会都看得很清楚,南海面临的不稳定因素和安全风险主要来自域外。(Countries in the region and around the world can all see clearly in recent years that the factors of instability and security risks in the South China Sea come mainly from outside the region.)在中国和东盟国家早已就维护南海和平稳定达成重要共识、集中精力推进“南海行为准则”磋商形势之下,美国等一些西方国家却唯恐南海不乱,打着“自由航行”的旗号,频频来南海兴风作浪,在各种场合不时就南海问题挑拨离间。他们这样做,目的只有一个,那就是破坏南海和平,扰乱地区稳定。

这几年中国和东盟国家所做的努力充分证明,地区国家完全有信心、有能力、也有智慧妥善管控分歧。接下来,中国与东盟国家在南海问题上还是要继续坚持两条腿走路,一是排除干扰,推进“南海行为准则”磋商,力争尽快达成符合国际法、符合各方需要、更具实质内容、更为行之有效的地区规则;二是继续全面有效落实《南海各方行为宣言》,不断凝聚共识,增强互信,推进合作,共同维护好南海的总体稳定。(China and ASEAN countries need to continue to “walk with two legs” on the South China Sea issue. First, remove distractions and press ahead with COC consultations, and work toward the early conclusion of a set of regional rules that are more substantive and effective, consistent with international law and serve the needs of all parties. Second, continue with the full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) in order to build consensus, enhance mutual trust, advance cooperation, and maintain overall stability in the South China Sea.)




第一,和平稳定是国家发展的前提。希望缅甸各方保持冷静克制,从缅甸人民的根本利益出发,坚持通过对话协商,在宪法和法律框架下解决矛盾分歧,继续推进国内民主转型进程。当务之急是防止发生新的流血冲突,尽快实现局势缓和降温。(Peace and stability are the prerequisite for a country’s development. I hope that the relevant parties in Myanmar will keep calm and exercise restraint, act in the fundamental interests of the people, address their differences through dialogue and consultation within the constitutional and legal framework, and continue to advance the democratic transition. The immediate priority is to prevent further bloodshed and conflict, and ease and cool down the situation as soon as possible.)


第三,缅甸与中国是山水相连的“胞波”兄弟,是同甘共苦的命运共同体。(China and Myanmar are “pauk-phaw” brothers connected by the same mountains and rivers, and are a community with a shared future through thick and thin.)中国对缅友好政策面向全体缅甸人民。中方同缅甸各党各派,包括民盟,都有着长期友好交往,对华友好也始终是缅甸各界的共识。(China’s friendship policy toward Myanmar is for all the people of Myanmar. Over the years, we have maintained friendly exchanges with various political parties in Myanmar, including the National League for Democracy. And developing friendship with China has also been a consensus across all sectors of Myanmar.)不管缅甸局势怎么变化,中国推动中缅关系的决心不会动摇,中国促进中缅友好合作的方向也不会改变。(No matter how the situation evolves, China will not waver in its commitment to advancing China-Myanmar relations, and will not change the course of promoting friendship and cooperation.)谢谢。



去年是中拉开启外交关系60周年。我们双方在抗击疫情中守望相助、在复苏经济中共克时艰,双方以实际行动诠释了什么是“天涯若比邻”。(China and Latin American and Caribbean countries have stood alongside and supported each other in COVID-19 response and economic recovery. Our cooperation best illustrates that “a bosom friend afar brings a distant land near”.)

疫情发生以来,习近平主席同拉美多国领导人互致函电,引领中拉同心抗疫、共促发展。中国向拉美地区30国捐赠急需的医疗物资设备总共3400多万件,举办经验交流视频会议40余场,我们还正在向有需求的12个拉美国家提供疫苗。过去一年,中拉经贸合作再结硕果,连续第三年超过3000亿美元,拉美对华出口逆势增长。联合国拉美经委会指出,对华合作已成为拉动本地区经济企稳向好的重要力量。可以说,疫情非但没有阻隔中拉合作,反而使中拉人民的心靠得更近了,利益纽带拉得更紧了。(The pandemic has not hindered our cooperation. Instead, our peoples have grown closer and are bound by broader common interests.)

智利著名的诗人聂鲁达曾经说过:“永恒的友谊,让你相信世间总有美好,让你坚信总有大门待你打开。”(The Chilean poet Pablo Naruda wrote, eternal friendship makes you believe in good things in the world and convinces you that there is a door ready for you to open.)中国将继续同拉美朋友一道,深化友谊,拓宽合作,积极构建中拉命运共同体,更好地造福中拉人民。




首先,我要借此机会感谢外国媒体朋友们的辛勤工作。媒体是各国沟通了解的重要桥梁。去年新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,很多外国媒体朋友坚守岗位,克服困难,持续向世界讲述中国人民抗疫故事。你们辛苦了!(The media is an important bridge that helps countries communicate with and understand one another. Since COVID-19 started, many foreign journalists have stayed on their post and worked non-stop to help the world know the Chinese people’s fight against the virus. Your efforts are deeply appreciated.)

80多年前,斯诺和斯特朗、史沫特莱等一批外国记者来到中国陕北延安,将自己的所见所闻所思所想忠实介绍给了世界。斯诺并不是共产主义者,但他看待中国共产党时,不带意识形态偏见,始终坚守客观真实,始终追求公正良知。他所展现的职业精神和道德操守让人敬佩,他为增进中美人民的相互了解倾注了毕生心血,中国人民至今仍然怀念他。(Snow was not a communist. Yet when looking at the CPC, he carried no ideological bias, stayed truthful and objective and stood by justice and conscience. With admirable professionalism and moral ethics, he devoted his life to enhancing mutual understanding between the Chinese and American peoples. The Chinese people have fond memories of him even to this day.)

今天的中国需要更好了解世界,世界也需要更好了解中国。(China today needs to better understand the world, and the world needs to better understand China.)无论时代如何变迁,媒体都应坚守职业道德。我希望外国媒体记者将焦距对准中国时,既不要用“美颜相机”,也不要用“灰黑滤镜”。只要真实、客观、公正,你们的报道就会丰富精彩,就能经得起历史的检验。(However the world changes, the media should stand by their professional ethics. I hope that when reporting on China, foreign journalists will not apply any filter to their camera, beauty or gloomy. Truthful, objective and fair stories will always appeal to people and can stand the scrutiny of history.)中国希望并欢迎更多外国媒体记者成为“新时代的斯诺”。(China hopes to see and welcomes more Edgar Snows of this new era among foreign journalists.)


记者会结束之前,我还想提一件事。再过一个月,就是湖北武汉“解封”一周年。英雄的湖北人民、武汉人民舍小家为大家,为全国战胜疫情付出了巨大牺牲,为支持全球抗疫作出了重要贡献。(The heroic people of Wuhan and Hubei, bearing in mind the greater good, made enormous sacrifice for a national victory over COVID-19 and contributed significantly to the global COVID-19 response.)外交部将于今年4月春暖花开的时候,为湖北举行全球特别推介会,向世界展示湖北浴火重生的新面貌,助力湖北搭建对外合作的新桥梁。(In April when spring comes, the Foreign Ministry will hold a special promotion event for Hubei. It will present a new Hubei that has emerged stronger from the difficulties, and build new bridges connecting it to the world.)希望大家予以关注支持。谢谢!




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